Devizes Local Quaker Meeting
Please see events and news pages for other activities and events.
Remembrance Sunday
On Sunday November 10 we will meet at the Devizes war memorial to lay a wreath of white poppies and stand silently in remembrance of all those who have died in conflict. we welcome anyone who wishes to do so to join us for a few minutes from 3.00pm.
(updated 4 November 2024)
Devizes Vigil for Peace – Why Bother?
For several Saturday mornings before Christmas and every one since then a few people have gathered in Devizes Market Place to stand in silent solidarity with people around the world suffering from violence and war. It might be wondered why we should bother. What difference does it make in the grand scheme of things?
We are making a statement of belief and saying we care what happens to others and there are better ways to resolve problems than by violence. We are joining with others around the world share our concern though we may not know who they are.
We never know what effect any action will have over time. We trust that someone may be prompted to think about a subject pushed to the back of their mind because it is too difficult and we are only ordinary people.
It’s all very well to demonstrate about things we care about but just making a statement is not enough. Simply by treating others with respect and kindness makes a difference. Working at the local level we can volunteer for a charity, sign petitions, write to our MP, work with like-minded people to change things. We should not need to itemise the different kinds of abuse to avoid. It should be obvious that treating others well makes everyone happier. Peace is a process and it can be catching, We can try to let our lives show what we believe. That is peace in action.
Climate change and biodiversity loss are two of the most dangerous risks to human civilisation now but war and conflict can only make these problems worse. When people are involved in fighting, care for the environment does not get on the agenda. War costs a vast amount of money, uses enormous quantities of resources and creates devastation that eventually will have to be cleared up. Indeed, armed conflicts aggravate existing problems and encourage people to migrate in hope of a better life. We allocate very little by comparison to peace work which needs to go on all the time not just when conflict erupts into fighting. Even when war seems inevitable or has broken out we still need to bear witness to the possibility of peace.
We invite people of all faiths and none to join us for up to an hour to stand up for peace between 11.00am and midday on Saturdays. Who knows what might come of it?
‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.’ (Margaret Meade)
(updated 11 2 24)
Midweek Meetings for Worship on Tuesdays at 11.30
These are an excellent opportunity to experience Quaker worship for the first time. The meetings last for half an hour and there is an opportunity to discuss anything that comes to mind afterwards over coffee. Please bring a packed lunch if you wish.
School visits
We would welcome a visit from any local school which would like to introduce Quaker worship to students. Please contact our meeting house manager Jacky Thomas to arrange a time. We suggest a visit to the building, a short introduction to Quakers and a brief experience of our silent worship. If you would like a lunchtime visit, the students would be welcome to bring a packed lunch.( or 01380 722560)
Sunday worship
We hold a Meeting for Worship in person on Sundays for an hour from 10.30. . Following the Meeting we also enjoy a cup of coffee together and have time for a chat.
We now hold blended meeting via Zoom on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. At other times we are invited to join other local Meetings via their Zoom links. For further information about this please contact Robin Brookes at
updated 10 November 2023
Formally Quakers are the Religious Society of Friends and hence they often refer to each other as Friends. More than twenty seven thousand people attend Quaker meetings for worship in Britain. These quiet times of seeking the presence of God are held regularly in about 500 places, many of them Friends' Meeting Houses.
Our Meetings for Worship are central to the life of Quakers. The basis of the Meeting is a shared silence. Anyone may offer spoken ministry, a prayer or reading at any time during the hour-long meeting.
If you want to know more about Quakers refer to Quakers in Britain website, the website of Britain Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. If you do not live in or near Devizes, Quakers in Britain will help you find a meeting in your own locality.
For a Quaker response to current events at national and international level visit the Quakers in Britain website.
Meeting House from across the canalWe in Devizes have a simple but attractive Meeting Room. Friends sit where they like within the circle of chairs. Meeting ends when an Elder shakes hands with the person sitting next to him or her. Notices will be read out by the Clerk, after which we have coffee and a chance to meet with one another. However, should some prefer to be left alone with their thoughts or to leave immediately we do, of course, respect this.
All Quakers share responsibility for the administration of the meeting. Elders are appointed to watch over the spiritual well-being of the Meeting; overseers are responsible for pastoral care.
The Religious Society of Friends warmly welcomes all, regardless of race, creed, gender or sexuality. We seek to make our Meeting a loving, caring community.
Currently we do not have a Children's Meeting but would be pleased to meet local families who would like to join us.
Quaker meeting houses are not consecrated or regarded as a special ‘house of God’. The spirit is present everywhere and meeting for worship can be convened anywhere that two or more Friends decide to hold one.
We like our meeting houses to be used by the surrounding community and let them out at times other than when we need them. At Devizes the meeting house is regularly used for support sessions and there are two weekly AA meetings. We are pleased to host Muslim prayers on Friday mornings as well as more secular sessions such as yoga or day conferences. If you would like to find out more about hiring the Meeting House please look at the room hire page.