"Quakers respect the creative power of God in every human being and in the world around us. We work through quiet processes for a world where peaceful means bring about just settlements."

Devizes Partnership of Churches has established a small group of representatives of local churches to work on the Eco Church project organised by Christian environment group Arocha UK. Churches are well placed to take up the challenge of reducing their environmental impact because the work can reach a wide range of people within and beyond their congregations. Each church has a different set of issues to work on. Some have old and special buildings, some have large churchyards while others have none. Forms of worship vary from church to church but the desire is still to make the life of the churches, its buildings and use as green as possible.

The programme is a well-designed on line survey on which churches can record their achievements and apply for an award. The topics covered range from inclusion of environmental issues in worship and teaching, management of land and buildings, individual actions and reaching out into the wider community at home and abroad. The advantage of the Churches Together group is that local churches can work to support and encourage each other. The sub group meets regularly to discuss progress and any problems they face. Ideas are exchanged and joint projects are being considered. The work is in its early stages but already the Quaker Meeting House has achieved the bronze award and others are not far behind.

The group was pleased to support a roadshow at St James Church on 25 February, brought by Salisbury Diocese and Arocha, where they were able to meet people from churches outside the town. Any church considering starting on the programme would be welcome to join the group too. 


Come and support Traidcraft, meet up  with friends for a cup of coffee and have an enjoyable morning on Saturday April 1st 2017 at the Meeting House  from 10.30am to 12 noon.

We will be serving tea, coffee and biscuits from the Traidcraft range and there will   be a stall selling other Traidcraft goods and Shared Interest.  

  We support Traidcraft through these  coffee mornings and our stall in the Marsden Room, because not only is Traidcraft a Fairtrade company   working wholly within Fairtrade principles and providing an ethical outlet for Fairtrade goods, but it also develops new markets and supports new producers to the point where they too can obtain the Fairtrade kite mark and eventually trade independently.  So hope to see you there.

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On Sunday 20 November, which fell co-incidentally at the end of Interfaith Week we hosted a Multifaith Tea Party on behalf of the Devizes Multifaith Group. It was attended by around thirty adults and children who brought food items to share. It was very much a faith tea as we had no idea who might come and whether we would have any food. In the event it was a very enjoyable afternoon which we hope to repeat on a regular basis. The main reason for the tea party was to enable people of different faiths who might not normally meet to get to know one another. We were delighted that the Deputy Mayor of Devizes , Nigel Carter, was able to join us creating links with the wider town community.  

For information about the Devizes Multifaith Group please contact us using the information on this website. 


Devizes Quaker Meeting and Devizes Fairtrade group held a very successful brunch at the end of Fairtrade fortnight.brunch-2

Contact: Devizes Quakers 

All content on this website is protected by copyright law. 
